MARINE Whether it’s shipbuilding or fleet maintenance, business can get complicated. But it doesn’t have to be.
SKF Marine offers a full portfolio of high quality components, including the trusted Simplex and Turbulo products and services. And SKF Marine has a marine-dedicated engineering and technical team ready to work with you worldwide – for service, advice, maintenance and more. The business is complex enough. When you’re ready to simplify, the name is SKF Marine.
Oil and gas Challenges upstream, midstream and downstream
Global demand for oil and natural gas is expected to increase by 30% in the next 20 years. The race is on to find new sources upstream and boost efficiencies midstream and downstream, despite challenging market, labour and regulatory conditions.
Railways Global solutions for rail around the world
Today, SKF solutions and services for the railway industry include our core competence in axlebox and drive system bearing design, as well as our global network of production, service and remanufacturing centres – all supported by a highly trained network of sales, application and service engineers.
From contributing design expertise and providing advanced axlebox bearings, to installing lubrication systems, validating reliability and safety requirements, mounting bearings and more, SKF is helping to increase railway vehicle safety, reliability, efficiency and service intervals.
SKF offers customers unique insight into the operation of their railway vehicle bogie systems by drawing on our unmatched combination of railway bearing design and manufacturing expertise and our cutting-edge condition monitoring and application knowledge. By collecting and analyzing data throughout the operational life of the train, we’re helping to enhance the next generation of railway vehicle designs in ways not previously possible.